Monday, May 16, 2005

Making your office energy saver can make good dollars and sense

(NC)-With the recent changes to energy prices, and summer temperatures also on the rise, now is a great time to think about conserving energy. Energy efficiency helps clear the air and conserve our energy supply-and it's good for your bottom line. Here are some actions your business can easily take today:

. The best first step is to analyze your energy use. Think about your heating and cooling practices, your equipment, and your lighting use. You may want to consider undertaking a full energy audit. In the meantime, think about your practices. Are your copiers running day and night? Are you lighting and cooling areas that are little used, or not in use at all?

. Then, set your business equipment for efficiency. Computers, monitors, printers, photocopiers and other business equipment are generally equipped with an energy saving standby or "sleep" feature. Ensure you have these features turned on, and make sure all equipment is turned off completely at the end of the day.

. Set your air conditioner to just a little less cool. The colder the setting, the greater your electricity costs. So by setting your system to 25C, instead of 22C, you can achieve significant savings. And when you close up, turn the air conditioner off. It takes less energy to restart it than to leave it running all the time.

. Consider motion sensors and timers for some of your lighting needs. Don't pay to light areas that are not being used. Motion detectors that turn lights on and off as people enter or leave a room are perfect for areas like storerooms and bathrooms. You might also set your outdoor signs on a timer set to turn them off after 1:00 am.

. And, whenever possible, just turn the lights out! There is no value in lighting offices overnight, or in lighting unused offices and conference rooms. So, turn out the lights whenever possible, and aim to lower overall lighting levels for more savings.

. Finally, when it's time to upgrade your equipment, think "Energy Star". This certification is your assurance that the appliance has met strict energy efficiency guidelines-and will use significantly less energy.

Conserving at work doesn't have to be difficult. And there's no better time than now to start cleaning the air-and saving money! For more ideas, visit the Ontario Ministry of Energy website at, or call 1-888-668-4636.

provided by News Canada.